Saturday, January 26, 2013

Gregory Euclide

I was changing up my desktop wallpaper when I came across Gregory Euclide on the Desktop Wallpaper Project. His artwork is absolutely mesmerizing, in colour schemes that I love depicting forest scenes with geometric shapes. He uses all sorts of mixed media, but watercolours and natural silhouettes really stand out.
"put my pressing into a ravine where i paused to return year after year"
Ever since I took a watercolour summer camp at the Homer Watson Gallery I've been drawn to aquarelle, knowing how challenging it can be. I completely disagree with the song:
La peinture à l'huile c'est plus difficile mais c'est bien plus beau que la peinture à l'eau.
Watercolours are so much more... romantic? Natural? They definitely have a unique appeal. Which is why I created this board on Pinterest a while back.

Gregory Euclide is supposedly famous, having created multiple Bon Iver album art. There's so many great CD covers out there! I need to start investigating.

Detail from Holocene album art

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