Sunday, December 23, 2012

The solution to extinction

The outlook for species at risk in Canada is pretty grim. The Harper government having passed its first budget bill, Bill C-38, made it clear once again that economic activities are its main priorities. The National Energy Board is now exempt from the Species at Risk Act and is required little considerations for habitat of species at risk when reviewing pipeline applications. The entire Environmental Assessment Act was repealed. Funding is removed for the Experimental Lakes Area, a famous freshwater research site that helped understand the effects of birth control hormones on aquatic wildlife and so much more. The Fisheries Act was considerably narrowed so that basically only fish related to commercial activities are protected, and as long as fish habitat is not irreparably damaged, polluting industries are in the clear. 

(For more info, read this and this)

Good thing the internet provides us with one of the best ideas ever to deal with the protection of species at risk:

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