Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pride & Prejudice

Emphasis on prejudice.
When this came on during my daily tea and cake with Dana I immediately thought "boooring" based on what I remembered from the Keira Knightly adaptation. My teenage self might have been too young to appreciate it or maybe the 1940 version is just so much better because I loved it so, so much! Instead of going back downstairs to research Great Lakes remedial action plans, I watched the entire thing with a smile on my face. I didn't expect it to be so funny! The mother is ridiculously obsessed with marrying off her girls to rich husbands and Elizabeth has really great witty replies that are still graceful, of course. The whole movie is absolutely charming. I think I found a replacement for Disney movies and awful chick flicks for when I'm feeling down. Old black and white movies have perfect feel-good endings.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Tourists in Toronto

Sometimes it's nice to visit the places you always walk by, but never actually enter or even think to see what's inside.

When my friend Andrea and her Brazilian colleague visited Toronto a couple weeks ago, we noticed that Old City Hall was a pretty interesting building from the outside, so we decided to venture in. After contouring the building a few times we finally found an unlocked door, got patted down by security, and were allowed to wander around.

I was totally impressed! The place must be at least a century old, with marble columns and large staircases. Okay, so it was pretty shabby in places. Yellowing plaster and tiles falling off reminded me a bit of old building interiors in Bucharest. I still wonder how it must have looked like when it was functioning as City Hall.

It seems to serve as some kind of court of justice now. Reading off of some signs, Andrea and Barbara asked me what it meant to "post bail". I honestly couldn't really explain it - maybe I should start watching Law & Order or whatever.

We went through one of the open doors and realized that we were on the top balcony of a courtroom being used as a movie set! A huge illuminating balloon was floating up near the ceiling with film crew struggling with harnesses to get the lighting just right.

My favourite part of the building was by far the huge stained glass windows. I just love the way the colours change with the weather.

Looking north on Bay St. 1929 (wikimedia)
Now I need to figure out how to get up the clock tower.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Seems legit

These flyers manage to stay up on the walls yet the Las Nubes posters I put up get taken down within hours.
Oh York. Why do all the stereotypes about you have to be true?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pandas & Pastries

Now that I've started grad school and have a Graduate Assistant (GA) position with the Las Nubes Project, the title for which is "Communications Assistant" slash "Web Master", I remembered how much fun the whole web posting stuff is. I swear I must have spent over 10 hours writing up the content of my first post for Las Nubes and the poster right here. After a nice chat with dear Gabie I remembered hey, I have a blog that I've been completely neglecting! With a bajillion accounts already it makes sense to keep going with it instead of wasting time creating a new one. Cheers for a new source of procrastination that doesn't involve terrible teenage shows! Okay I'll admit it, Vampire Diaries takes up 40 mins of my time every week.

After a nice visit from the parents this weekend I spent all day stuffing my face with mom's awesome puff pastry spinach feta wheels and a croissant twist with lemon curd my dad bought (omg they know me so well) at this nice little pastry shop across from the Kitchener's farmer's market. Golden Hearth is BY FAR my favourite pastry shop and I've never even stepped foot in it. Delicious, organic, and local oh my! Entertainment to accompany this feast was The Amazing Panda Adventure (1995) for lots of cute cute pandas. Gahhhh the squeaks they make!